Encouraging communication from Diocese of Norwich...
Dear NPP,
I am Secretary of the Redundant Churches Uses Committee which deals with change of use of redundant church buildings in the Diocese of Norwich. I have been informed of your interest in purchasing Gasthorpe church ruin for conversion into an art gallery.
I am sure you realise that, as well as the Diocese of Norwich, you will need permissions from several other bodies, i.e. Breckland District Council, the Church Commissioners, English Heritage etc. I think, therefore, that the first thing you need to do is to write to Breckland District Council explaining your proposal to them. This letter should explain in detail your plans for the building and give the reasons why you feel this is a desirable way forward, and should also describe how you intend to convert the ruin and what you expect the completed building to look like. It would be very helpful if you could include a sketch prepared by an architect showing your proposals.
Your letter should be addressed to:
Mr Andrew Gayton
Conservation Officer
Breckland District Council
Elizabeth House
Walpole Loke
Norfolk NR19 1EE
This is just the first stage in a long process which has to be gone through step by step. Without Breckland District Council's willingness to go along with the proposals there is very little point in going any further. However, if you are able to persuade them to look positively at the project, we could then proceed to the next stage.
I look forward to hearing the results of your approach to the Council in due course.
Yours sincerely Jean Gosling
DAC, Pastoral and RCUC Secretary
Diocese of Norwich
Diocesan House
109 Dereham Road
Norwich NR9 5ES
Tel: 01603 882350
Photos of Gasthorpe Church ruin...

British History online: Gatesthorp: